What training methods do you use?

Beyond Dog Training and Canine Services is commited to utilizing the most up to date, scientific methods possible. These methods are FORCE-FREE, reward-based methods. This means we DO NOT intimidate, harm, or scare your animal in any way, shape or form. Studies have shown that if we reward animals for the behavior we want, we will see an increase in behavior. Most often, the most motivating reward for our dogs is food/treats. It is quite a bit more complicated than that, but the gist of it without getting into the nitty gritty of scientific explanations is that we use positive reinforcement.

What training equipment do you use and recommend?

Beyond Dog utilizes standard 6 foot leashes, front or back clip harnesses, and flat buckle collars. We recommend harnesses to many of our clients for the utmost safety and well-being of our canine best friends. Collars place pressure on the neck, which can damage anything from the trachea to the thyroid.

What happens when my dog “gets it right”?

Whatever motivates or is positive for your dog, will be what we utilize to reward your dog for good behavior. For some dogs this is food, for others it may be toys or play. This is up to the individual dog, but it will always be positive, fun and motivating for your pup! He/She will be positively reinforced when they perform good behaviors. Positive reinforcement is the addition of a reinforcing stimulus(whatever the dogs perceives as motivating).

What happens when my dog does something “wrong”?

The term for this is Negative Punishment(although I’m not a fan of using the word punishment, largely because it carries negative connotations with it): this is the removal of something the dog desires(whether it is ourselves, toys, food, etc). We will either ignore or redirect the dog, depending upon the behavior they are eliciting. Often, if the dog isn’t quite “getting it”, it’s because we are asking too much, too soon and building the criteria of expectation too quickly for them, so we will re-evaluate if we are setting up your dog to succeed. We may interrupt, intervene or redirect particularly in cases where the behavior is unsafe to the dog or others. Sometimes we remove motivators, or we may “reset” our dog and training session by giving a break and starting over. Again, we evaluate whether or not we are setting up your dog to succeed.

How long does training take?

This depends on your dogs individual behavioral concerns. But also the time, consistency, and patience you are willing to put in to work with your pup and practice the skills, the individual training program we come up with, and even the individual dog themselves. We will never give you an unrealistic expectation of time. For many dogs, 3-9 sessions is sufficient.

Which professional dog training organizations are you a member of?

Currently, Beyond Dog Training and Canine Services is a proud member of The Pet Professional Guild and The Alberta Force Free Alliance, as they align with our ethos on force-free training.

Is training guaranteed?

No professional trainer will guarantee training results. This always depends on a wide variety of factors that your trainer cannot control, from individual dogs behavior/temperament, environment, genetics, health, owner compliance, and more. We will work with you to set goals, and in setting up a training plan that meets yours and your dogs needs to help you achieve those goals.

My dog is older, can he still learn?

Absolutely! An old dog absolutely can learn new tricks, especially when we find what motivates them! Dogs learn by association, and we can help your dog to learn at any age!

My dog is suddenly behaving differently, help!

For any sudden changes in behavior, we ALWAYS recommend having a Vet check done first and foremost to ensure there is no medical cause to your dogs sudden change in behavior.